Marketing services we offer

Looking to learn about marketing? Interested in starting or growing a business? We’re focused on tutorials, resources, and training courses to help you achieve your goals.

Marketing education


Marketing tutorials

Clear and concise marketing tutorials. Learn marketing strategy and how to use the tools and platforms you need to grow your business.

Marketing tutorials


Marketing resources

Useful marketing resources that are free to use. Stop building everything from scratch! Plug these tools into your marketing efforts to deliver results.

Marketing resources


Marketing training courses

Need a more comprehensive marketing course for yourself or your team? We're focused on teaching MVP efforts and best practices that deliver results.

Marketing training courses

Marketing services

SEO site audits

Knowing how your current SEO stacks up is important. We provide clear and concise SEO site audits that give you pragmatic and actionable tips to improve site performance.

Competitor audits

Where does your website rank against the competition? Our competitor audits give you an expert look at the playing field so your marketing efforts can move forward with confidence.

Content strategy

Quality content is still the gold standard for search. Our content strategy can give you a laser focus on creating the content that matters for your customers and bottom line.

Content writing

As they say, words are hard! Sometimes a helping hand is needed. Our content is handwritten by humans with great care and attention to your brand standards (no AI EVER!).

Website optimization

Technical site optimization can be a pain, but our team LOVES it! Our expert developers are happy to get as hands on as you'd like with optimizing your website.

Link prospecting

Links are still the foundation for how search engines discover and rank websites. We can help you discover valuable links worth pursuing to boost your rankings and traffic.


Hear from our customers

William Lang IV

William Lang IV

Owner at Lang Patent Law

Previous SEO providers had given me only small parts of the picture, without informing me - or perhaps without realizing themselves - how those parts fit into the whole picture. Listening to the other SEO providers was like listening to blind men describing an elephant - each person describes one part but no one is close to describing the whole. Tryndraze presented a very complete picture. I received a very good value for what I paid. I would highly recommend Tryndraze's services.

Deb Schmidt

Deb Schmidt

Owner at Intrust Events

I had the pleasure of working with Travis, a highly skilled SEO expert, on the development of my new website for my start-up business. He performed research on business name and keywords, providing insight into uniqueness, indexing, and ways to build organic traffic. He is fast but also meticulous in his ability to perform the research. I enthusiastically recommend his services to anyone seeking assistance from an SEO expert.


Answers to frequent questions

Take control of your marketing

Tired of wasting money outsourcing your marketing?

We can teach you how to make the most of your marketing budget in-house.